GPAC Payroll
The GPAC Payroll system has been designed to make payroll management faster, easier, and more powerful than any method you're currently using. GPAC Payroll delivers all the functionality you'd expect from an enterprise-level solution — and then some!
GPAC Payroll is now available as a traditional green-screen application for multi-value databases or with a state of the art web interface. Both can be run simultaneously and all the functionality of the traditional interface has been preserved in the browser based version. The browser-based version expands on the original in terms of simplicity as well as in providing reports in both PDF and Microsoft Excel formats.
For example, the traditional interface for an employee maintenance screen appears as follows (depending on your terminal emulation software):
The web interface for the same screen provides browser based controls to simplify data entry as well as the option to include an employee photo:
The browser-based version of GPAC Payroll provides the following features:
- Payslips can be emailed to employees
- Multiple companies & D3 data accounts
- Salary alteration/amendment auditing
- Browser-based interface
- Customisable pay rates, awards, cost locations, pay codes, leave classifications, entitlements and accruals.
- WorkChoices compliant earnings reconciliation for salespersons
- Multiple pay cycles - wkly, ftnly, mthly etc.
- Secure Employee Pay Portal lets employees reprint payslips, apply for leave and check current leave entitlements (AL & LSL only)
- Comprehensive historical data reporting
- Export reports to Excel and PDF
- Comprehensive Employee Record Card
- Image storage for employees (e.g. driver lic.)
- Define report groupings by employee, cost location, geo location grouping (multiple sites), all the way up to company summary
- Personal/sick leave analysis tool
- Automatic RDO accrual and payment
- Superstream functionality
Features common to the browser-based and traditional version of GPAC Payroll include:
- Automated Payroll Generation
- Pay Diary
- Comprehensive Employee Enquiry and History Reporting
- Various methods of Payment: Cash, Cheque, Bank Transfer, EFT, No Cash
- Allowance for Part-time, Full-time or Casual Staff and Seasonal workers
- Automatic Loan and Garnishee deductions
- Deductions and Allowances are Taxable or Non-Taxable
- Unlimited number of Pay Rates
- Flexible Net Pay Rounding Level
- Automatic Tax calculation with ability to lock and deduct additional tax
- Annual leave, Taken, Entitlements and Accruals
- Annual leave, Personal (Sick, etc) Leave and Long Service Leave: Taken, Entitlements and Accruals
- Leave entitlement projections and reporting
- Flexible Leave History Reporting by Date Range
- Multiple Superannuation funds per employee
- Superannuation Management, including Superannuation Guarantee Levy Reporting
- Superannuation Guarantee Contribution Limit Control
- Leave without Pay Reports
- Continuous and Laser Printer PAYG Payment Summaries (Group Certificates)
- Multiple Payslips for an employee
- Multiple bank accounts for an employee
- Normal termination payments and Eligible termination payments catered for
- Simultaneous production of Multi-Company Payrolls
- Employee Loans Feature, Including Warning for Terminating Employees with Outstanding Loans
- Sophisticated Costing Output including Job Costing with the ability for staff to work multiple Cost Centers
- Simple and Fast Year End Rollover
- The ability to run an infinite number of Pay cycles simultaneously Daily, Weekly, Bi-monthly, Monthly, etc
- Comprehensive Reporting
- Covers most major awards including Metal Trade, Motor Vehicle, Clerk, Building Trades, etc
- Interfaces to numerous accounting packages
- Can be interfaced with automated Time and Attendance systems
- Reconciliation List for RFBA and CDEP Figures
- Prior Year RFBA Entry Facility
- Multiple Payslip Formats
- Employee Record cards
- Coinage Analysis by Pay Point
- Optional Suppression of Normal Hours and Pay Rate on Payslips for Salaried Employees
- Handles Total Tax Withheld Figures in Excess of $100,000.00
- Rebanking (reversal) of posted payslips is supported, as is the creation of independent adjustment (retroactive) payslips.
- Dated employee notes can be entered, and access to those notes restricted.
- Employee qualifications, skills, training and awards can be recorded and reviewed.
- Incidents (actual and near accidents) can be recorded, including personnel responsible and personnel affected.
- Reproduction of PAYG Payment Summaries for former years is supported.
- Audit history of employee salary changes and position changes is preserved
- Online, context-sensitive help
- Priority Hot Line Support and regular software updates
- Available on both Windows and UNIX platforms
- Readily modified to meet specific user requirements.
To learn more, contact us!